Mario Lemieux photo

Mario Lemieux

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
210 Million

Mario Lemieux Net Worth Breakdown

Sports: Ice Hockey
150 million
Business: Businesses
36 million
24 million
Ice Hockey Player Category
# 2
Gender Male
Age58 years old
Born5th of October, 1965
Birthplace Montreal, Canada
Career 1984 - 2006
Nationality Canadian
Ethnicity Canadian
Height 193 cm (6'4")
Weight 107 kg (236 lbs)
Hair color Black
Eye color Brown

Mario Lemieux Short biography

Mario Lemieux was born on October 5, 1965, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He was the youngest of three sons raised by a stay-at-home mother and a construction worker father. Despite his family's modest means, Lemieux's passion for hockey was evident from a young age. He spent countless hours honing his skills on the local rinks, quickly developing into a prodigy with exceptional talent and natural leadership abilities.

While dedicating himself to hockey, Lemieux did not neglect his education. He attended Cite-des-Jeunes High School and later took business courses at Laval University. Despite the demands of his professional career, Lemieux remained committed to family life. In 1993, he married Nathalie Asselin, his childhood sweetheart. The couple has four children together: Lauren, Stephanie, Austin, and Alexa.

Mario Lemieux's legacy extends far beyond the ice rink. He is not only a legendary hockey player but also a successful businessman, a devoted family man, and a dedicated philanthropist. His unwavering spirit, leadership qualities, and commitment to giving back continue to inspire generations and solidify his position as a true Canadian icon.

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Gender Male
Age58 years old
Born5th of October, 1965
Birthplace Montreal, Canada
Career 1984 - 2006
Nationality Canadian
Ethnicity Canadian
Height 193 cm (6'4")
Weight 107 kg (236 lbs)
Hair color Black
Eye color Brown
Richest Ice Hockey Players