Erling Haaland photo

Erling Haaland

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
52 Million

Erling Haaland Net Worth Breakdown

Sports: Football
40 million
Sports: Endorsements
12 million
Soccer Player Category
# 19
AliasesErling Braut HaalandFull Name
Gender Male
Age24 years old
Born21st of July, 2000
Birthplace Leeds, United Kingdom
Career 2016 - present
Nationality Norwegian
Ethnicity Norwegian
Height 194 cm (6'4")
Weight 88 kg (194 lbs)
Hair color Blonde
Eye color Blue

Erling Haaland Short biography

Erling Braut Haaland, born in Leeds, England on July 21, 2000, is a Norwegian professional footballer. While his father, Alf-Inge Haaland, played for Leeds United, Erling's career has taken him across Europe, captivating fans with his exceptional talent and prolific goalscoring. Beyond the pitch, Haaland maintains a relatively private life, focusing on his athletic pursuits and personal development.

Haaland's family background is deeply rooted in sports. His mother, Gry Marita Braut, was a former heptathlete, while his father enjoyed a successful career as a professional footballer. This athletic influence undoubtedly played a role in shaping Erling's passion for the game from a young age.

Growing up in Bryne, Norway, Haaland began his football journey at the local club Bryne FK. His talent was evident early on, and he quickly progressed through the ranks, earning recognition as a promising young prospect.

Despite the public eye focused on his football career, Haaland maintains a private life, rarely sharing details about his relationships or hobbies. He is known to be a dedicated and focused individual, prioritizing his training and meticulously analyzing his performance.

Haaland's personality is described as humble and down-to-earth, despite his rising fame and fortune. He is known for his strong work ethic and commitment to his sport, demonstrating a maturity beyond his years.

While football remains his primary focus, Haaland has expressed interests in other fields, including music and gaming. He also enjoys spending time with his family and close friends, finding solace and balance outside the intense world of professional football.

Erling Haaland's story is one of exceptional talent, unwavering dedication, and a quiet personal life. As he continues to blaze a trail in the world of football, his private demeanor only adds to the mystique of this young prodigy.

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AliasesErling Braut HaalandFull Name
Gender Male
Age24 years old
Born21st of July, 2000
Birthplace Leeds, United Kingdom
Career 2016 - present
Nationality Norwegian
Ethnicity Norwegian
Height 194 cm (6'4")
Weight 88 kg (194 lbs)
Hair color Blonde
Eye color Blue
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