Zhang Yiming photo

Zhang Yiming

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
43,400 Million

Zhang Yiming Net Worth Breakdown

Business: ByteDance
35,000 million
Business: Other
8,400 million
Internet Entrepreneur Category
# 4
Gender Male
Age41 years old
Born1st of April, 1983
Birthplace Longyan, China
Career 2005 - present
Nationality Chinese
Ethnicity Han Chinese
Height 173 cm (5'8")
Weight 70 kg (154 lbs)
Hair color Black

Zhang Yiming Short biography

Born in 1983 in Longyan, China, to a family of civil servants, Zhang's early life was far from extravagant. He was an only child, raised with a focus on education and self-reliance. Perhaps this instilled in him the drive and discipline that later propelled him to the top of the tech world.

After graduating with a degree in software engineering, Zhang's first steps weren't into the spotlight, but into the quiet corners of established companies like Kuxun and Microsoft. He honed his craft, learning the intricacies of the tech landscape while keeping a low profile. This reserved nature continued as he ventured into his ventures, first with 99fang.com, a real estate platform, and later with the behemoth that became ByteDance.

Even as ByteDance exploded and Zhang's net worth soared into the billions, his personal life remained secret. He rarely gives interviews, avoids social media, and keeps his family life fiercely private. This isn't a calculated move to fuel intrigue, but rather a genuine desire to shield his world from the spotlight's glare. He once remarked, “I'm not a celebrity. I'm just an engineer who writes code.”

Zhang is a highly respected figure in the technology industry. He is known for his vision and his ability to build successful products. He is also known for his focus on innovation and commitment to excellence.

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Gender Male
Age41 years old
Born1st of April, 1983
Birthplace Longyan, China
Career 2005 - present
Nationality Chinese
Ethnicity Han Chinese
Height 173 cm (5'8")
Weight 70 kg (154 lbs)
Hair color Black
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