Daniel Radcliffe photo

Daniel Radcliffe

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
110 Million

Daniel Radcliffe Net Worth Breakdown

Film & TV: Acting
100 million
10 million
Actor Category
# 74
Gender Male
Age35 years old
Born23rd of July, 1989
Birthplace Fulham, United Kingdom
Career 1999 - present
Nationality British
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 165 cm (5'5")
Weight 60 kg (132 lbs)
Hair color Brown
Eye color Blue

Daniel Radcliffe Short biography

Daniel Radcliffe is a British actor and producer who rose to fame for his portrayal of Harry Potter in the film adaptations of J.K. Rowling's book series. Born in London, England, on July 23, 1989, Radcliffe began his acting career at a young age, appearing in television productions and stage plays before landing the role that would define his early career.

Radcliffe's portrayal of Harry Potter earned him critical acclaim and international recognition, and he starred in all eight films in the series from 2001 to 2011. The Harry Potter films were a commercial success, grossing over $7 billion worldwide, and helped establish Radcliffe as one of the most popular and highest-paid actors in the world.

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Gender Male
Age35 years old
Born23rd of July, 1989
Birthplace Fulham, United Kingdom
Career 1999 - present
Nationality British
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 165 cm (5'5")
Weight 60 kg (132 lbs)
Hair color Brown
Eye color Blue
Richest Actors
Jami Gertz photo