Amy Poehler photo

Amy Poehler

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
25 Million

Amy Poehler Net Worth Breakdown

Film & TV: Acting
22 million
Film & TV: Producing
3 million
Actor Category
# 153
Gender Female
Age52 years old
Born16th of September, 1971
Birthplace Newton, Massachussetts, United States
Career 1996 - present
Nationality American
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 157 cm (5'2")
Weight 63 kg (139 lbs)
Hair color Blonde
Eye color Blue

Amy Poehler Short biography

Amy Poehler is an American actress, comedian, writer, producer, and director. She rose to fame as a cast member on the NBC sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live, where she was known for her impressions of Hillary Clinton and Tina Fey. Poehler went on to star in the NBC sitcom Parks and Recreation, for which she won a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Television Series – Musical or Comedy. She has also appeared in films such as Mean Girls, Baby Mama, and Sisters.

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Gender Female
Age52 years old
Born16th of September, 1971
Birthplace Newton, Massachussetts, United States
Career 1996 - present
Nationality American
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 157 cm (5'2")
Weight 63 kg (139 lbs)
Hair color Blonde
Eye color Blue
Richest Actors
Jami Gertz photo