Megan Fox photo

Megan Fox

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
8 Million

Megan Fox Net Worth Breakdown

Film & TV: Acting
5 million
3 million
Actor Category
# 182
AliasesMegan Denise FoxFull Name
Gender Female
Age38 years old
Born16th of May, 1986
Birthplace Oak Ridge, Tennessee, United States
Career 2001 - present
Nationality American
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 163 cm (5'4")
Weight 52 kg (115 lbs)
Hair color Black
Eye color Blue
Tattoos yes
Piercings yes

Megan Fox Short biography

Born in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, on May 16, 1986, Megan Fox's life began in a small town far from the glitz and glamour of Hollywood. Raised by her mother, Gloria, Megan navigated a modest upbringing, developing a fierce independence and a unique perspective on life.

In 2004, at the tender age of 18, Megan met Brian Austin Green, an established actor known for his role in "Beverly Hills, 90210." Their six-year on-again, off-again romance culminated in a 2010 wedding, and the couple welcomed three sons: Noah (2012), Bodhi (2014), and Journey (2016).

However, their seemingly idyllic family life faced challenges. In 2020, the couple announced their separation, followed by Megan filing for divorce the same year. Despite the split, they co-parent their sons amicably, prioritizing their children's well-being.

While Fox's career often takes center stage, her personal life is equally noteworthy. She is a vocal advocate for body positivity and self-acceptance, challenging the often unrealistic beauty standards prevalent in Hollywood. Megan is also open about her struggles with anxiety and depression, using her platform to raise awareness for mental health issues.

Fox has starred in several films and television shows. She is known for her sex appeal and her edgy personality. She has been featured on several magazine covers and has been named one of the sexiest women in the world by several publications.

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AliasesMegan Denise FoxFull Name
Gender Female
Age38 years old
Born16th of May, 1986
Birthplace Oak Ridge, Tennessee, United States
Career 2001 - present
Nationality American
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 163 cm (5'4")
Weight 52 kg (115 lbs)
Hair color Black
Eye color Blue
Tattoos yes
Piercings yes
Richest Actors
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