DJ Khaled photo

DJ Khaled

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
75 Million

DJ Khaled Net Worth Breakdown

70 million
5 million
DJ Category
# 6
AliasesKhaled Mohammed KhaledFull Name
Gender Male
Age48 years old
Born26th of November, 1975
Birthplace New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Career 2000 - 2000
Nationality American
Ethnicity Palestinian
Height 168 cm (5'6")
Weight 117 kg (258 lbs)
Hair color Black
Eye color Brown

DJ Khaled Short biography

DJ Khaled is an American disc jockey, record producer, radio personality, rapper, and record executive. He is also the president of the record label 'Def Jam South' and CEO and founder of 'We the Best Music Group'.

Khaled is known for his energetic personality and signature catchphrases, such as 'We the Best' and 'Another One'. He has released numerous successful albums and singles, and has collaborated with some of the biggest names in hip-hop and R&B.

Beyond music, Khaled has also ventured into acting, appearing in films such as 'Pitch Perfect 3', 'Spies in Disguise', and 'Bad Boys for Life'. He is also a popular social media personality, with millions of followers on various platforms.

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AliasesKhaled Mohammed KhaledFull Name
Gender Male
Age48 years old
Born26th of November, 1975
Birthplace New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Career 2000 - 2000
Nationality American
Ethnicity Palestinian
Height 168 cm (5'6")
Weight 117 kg (258 lbs)
Hair color Black
Eye color Brown
Richest DJs
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