Goldberg (Bill Goldberg) photo

Goldberg (Bill Goldberg)

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
14 Million

Goldberg (Bill Goldberg) Net Worth Breakdown

Sports: Professional wrestling
9 million
Film & TV: Acting
3 million
2 million
Professional Wrestler Category
# 6
AliasesWilliam Scott GoldbergReal Name
Gender Male
Age57 years old
Born27th of December, 1966
Birthplace Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States
Career 1996 - 2023
Nationality American
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 193 cm (6'4")
Weight 129 kg (284 lbs)
Eye color Blue
Tattoos Left Arm

Goldberg (Bill Goldberg) Short biography

Bill Goldberg is an American professional wrestler, actor, and former football player. He is best known for his time in World Championship Wrestling (WCW) and World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). Goldberg is a one-time WCW World Heavyweight Champion, a one-time WCW United States Heavyweight Champion, and a two-time WWE Universal Champion.

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AliasesWilliam Scott GoldbergReal Name
Gender Male
Age57 years old
Born27th of December, 1966
Birthplace Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States
Career 1996 - 2023
Nationality American
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 193 cm (6'4")
Weight 129 kg (284 lbs)
Eye color Blue
Tattoos Left Arm
Richest Professional Wrestlers