Thibaut Courtois photo

Thibaut Courtois

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
121 Million

Thibaut Courtois Net Worth Breakdown

Investments: Cresta, Sanba, Onside, ...
46 million
Sports: Soccer
40 million
20 million
Real Estate
15 million
Soccer Player Category
# 10
AliasesThibaut Nicolas Marc CourtoisFull Name
Gender Male
Age32 years old
Born11th of May, 1992
Birthplace Bree, Belgium
Career 1997 - present
Nationality Belgian
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 200 cm (6'7")
Weight 96 kg (212 lbs)
Hair color Black
Eye color Hazel
Tattoos Yes
Piercings No

Thibaut Courtois Short biography

Thibaut Courtois, born in 1992 in Bree, Belgium, showed early promise in goal, standing out for his natural agility and towering figure. Raised in a sporting family, with both parents being volleyball players, his athleticism was nurtured from a young age. He is a professional soccer player. By eight, he was already refining his skills at the Genk youth academy. Courtois's journey took a significant turn in 2009 when he joined Chelsea FC, quickly becoming one of the Premier League's top goalkeepers. His move to Real Madrid in 2018 solidified his status as a global football icon, winning La Liga titles and UEFA Champions League trophies. Off the field, Courtois is known for his philanthropic efforts, making a positive impact beyond the pitch. His remarkable story continues to inspire aspiring athletes worldwide.

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AliasesThibaut Nicolas Marc CourtoisFull Name
Gender Male
Age32 years old
Born11th of May, 1992
Birthplace Bree, Belgium
Career 1997 - present
Nationality Belgian
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 200 cm (6'7")
Weight 96 kg (212 lbs)
Hair color Black
Eye color Hazel
Tattoos Yes
Piercings No
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