Alisher Usmanov photo

Alisher Usmanov

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
14,500 Million

Alisher Usmanov Net Worth Breakdown

Business: Metals and Mining
7,000 million
Business: Media and Telecommunications
3,500 million
Business: Technology
3,000 million
Real Estate
1,000 million
Businessperson Category
# 36
AliasesAlisher Burkhanovich UsmanovFull Name
Gender Male
Birthplace Chust, Uzbekistan
Career 1976 - 2022
Nationality Uzbek-Russian
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 175 cm (5'9")
Weight 92 kg (203 lbs)
Hair color Grey
Eye color Brown

Alisher Usmanov Short biography

Alisher Burkhanovich Usmanov is an Uzbek-Russian businessman and oligarch. By 2023, Usmanov had an estimated net worth of US$14.5 billion as of March 2024 and was among the world's 100 wealthiest people. Usmanov made his wealth after the collapse of the Soviet Union, through metal and mining operations, and investments. He is a shareholder of 49% of Metalloinvest, a Russian industrial conglomerate.

Usmanov is also a co-owner of Russia's second-largest mobile telephone operator, MegaFon, and co-owner of Udokan copper which develops one of the largest copper deposits in the world. Usmanov eventually teamed up with Yuri Milner and became the largest investor of Digital Sky Technologies ("DST"). He also holds shares of a number of international technology companies. He was the president of the Fédération Internationale d'Escrime, the international governing body of the sport of fencing, from 2008 until 2022.

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AliasesAlisher Burkhanovich UsmanovFull Name
Gender Male
Birthplace Chust, Uzbekistan
Career 1976 - 2022
Nationality Uzbek-Russian
Ethnicity Caucasian
Height 175 cm (5'9")
Weight 92 kg (203 lbs)
Hair color Grey
Eye color Brown
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