Patrick Soon-Shiong photo

Patrick Soon-Shiong

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
10,000 Million

Patrick Soon-Shiong Net Worth Breakdown

Business: NantWorks
8,500 million
1,000 million
Real Estate
500 million
Surgeon Category
# 1
Gender Male
Age71 years old
Born29th of July, 1952
Birthplace Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Career 1983 - present
Nationality American
Ethnicity Asian
Height 175 cm (5'9")
Weight 76 kg (168 lbs)
Hair color Grey
Eye color Brown

Patrick Soon-Shiong Short biography

Patrick Soon-Shiong is a South African-born American surgeon, researcher, businessman, and philanthropist. He is the founder and CEO of NantWorks, a network of healthcare, biotech, and artificial intelligence startups. Soon-Shiong is also the owner of the Los Angeles Times and The San Diego Union-Tribune newspapers.

Soon-Shiong is best known for his work in developing the drug Abraxane, a treatment for various types of cancer. He has also been a vocal advocate for healthcare reform and has invested in several companies that are developing new treatments for cancer and other diseases.

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Gender Male
Age71 years old
Born29th of July, 1952
Birthplace Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Career 1983 - present
Nationality American
Ethnicity Asian
Height 175 cm (5'9")
Weight 76 kg (168 lbs)
Hair color Grey
Eye color Brown
Richest Surgeons