Judi Dench photo

Judi Dench

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
50 Million

Judi Dench Net Worth Breakdown

Film & TV: Acting
45 million
5 million
Actor Category
# 120
AliasesJudith Olivia DenchFull Name
Gender Female
Age89 years old
Born9th of December, 1934
Birthplace York, United Kingdom
Career 1957 - present
Nationality British
Ethnicity English
Height 163 cm (5'4")
Weight 56 kg (123 lbs)
Hair color Grey
Eye color Green

Judi Dench Short biography

Born in York, England, in 1934, Dench's childhood was steeped in the arts, with both parents actively involved in theatre. This early exposure ignited a love for performance that would shape her life's trajectory.

Dench married fellow actor Michael Williams in 1971, and their union became a cornerstone of her personal life. Together they had one daughter, Finty, and enjoyed a loving marriage until Williams' passing in 2001. Following this loss, Dench found solace and companionship with David Mills, a conservationist, with whom she has been in a relationship since 2010.

Beyond her immediate family, Dench is known for her deep connection to animals. An outspoken advocate for animal welfare, she has lent her voice to numerous campaigns and owns a variety of pets, including dogs, cats, guinea pigs, and even a racehorse.

When not on stage or screen, Dench enjoys a peaceful life in the English countryside. An avid reader and gardener, she cherishes moments spent surrounded by nature and the simple pleasures it offers.

Despite her public persona, Dench maintains a grounded and down-to-earth demeanor. Described by friends and colleagues as witty, warm, and fiercely independent, she has navigated the demands of fame with grace and humility, remaining true to her values and personal convictions.

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AliasesJudith Olivia DenchFull Name
Gender Female
Age89 years old
Born9th of December, 1934
Birthplace York, United Kingdom
Career 1957 - present
Nationality British
Ethnicity English
Height 163 cm (5'4")
Weight 56 kg (123 lbs)
Hair color Grey
Eye color Green
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