Simone Biles photo

Simone Biles

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
10 Million

Simone Biles Net Worth Breakdown

Sports: Gymnastics
5 million
5 million
Artistic Gymnast Category
# 1
AliasesSimone Arianne Biles OwensFull Name
Gender Female
Age27 years old
Born14th of March, 1997
Birthplace Columbus, Ohio, United States
Career 2013 - present
Nationality American
Ethnicity African American
Height 145 cm (4'9")
Weight 47 kg (104 lbs)
Hair color Black
Eye color Brown
Tattoos yes

Simone Biles Short biography

Simone Arianne Biles Owens (born March 14, 1997) is an American artistic gymnast. She is widely considered to be the greatest gymnast of all time. She has won more Gymnastics World Championships medals than anyone else: 30, primarily gold. She is also the most decorated Olympic gymnast in history, with seven medals, including four gold.

Biles was born in Columbus, Ohio, and began gymnastics at the age of six. She quickly rose through the ranks and became one of the top junior gymnasts in the world. In 2013, she made her senior international debut and won two gold medals at the World Championships. She has not lost an all-around competition since.

Biles is known for her incredible athleticism, power, and difficulty. She has performed several groundbreaking skills, including the Biles, a double twisting double somersault on the floor. She is also known for her mental toughness and her ability to perform under pressure.

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AliasesSimone Arianne Biles OwensFull Name
Gender Female
Age27 years old
Born14th of March, 1997
Birthplace Columbus, Ohio, United States
Career 2013 - present
Nationality American
Ethnicity African American
Height 145 cm (4'9")
Weight 47 kg (104 lbs)
Hair color Black
Eye color Brown
Tattoos yes
Richest Artistic Gymnasts