Pipilotti Rist photo

Pipilotti Rist

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Hypothetical Estimate
13 Million

Pipilotti Rist Net Worth Breakdown

Art: Arts
13 million
Visual Artist Category
# 2
Gender Female
Age62 years old
Born21st of June, 1962
Birthplace Grabs, Switzerland
Career 1982 - present
Nationality Swiss
Ethnicity Caucasian
Hair color Brown
Eye color Blue

Pipilotti Rist Short biography

Pipilotti Rist is a Swiss visual artist best known for creating experimental video art and installation art. Her work is often described as surreal, intimate, abstract art, having a preoccupation with the female body. Her artwork is often categorized as feminist art.

Rist's work is known for its multi-sensory qualities, with overlapping projected imagery that is highly saturated with color, paired with sound components that are part of a larger environment with spaces for viewers to rest or lounge. Rist's work often transforms the architecture or environment of a white cube gallery into a more tactile, auditory and visual experience.

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Gender Female
Age62 years old
Born21st of June, 1962
Birthplace Grabs, Switzerland
Career 1982 - present
Nationality Swiss
Ethnicity Caucasian
Hair color Brown
Eye color Blue
Richest Visual Artists