Canelo Álvarez photo

Canelo Álvarez

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
200 Million

Canelo Álvarez Net Worth Breakdown

Sports: Boxing
150 million
50 million
Boxer Category
# 4
AliasesSantos Saúl Álvarez BarragánFull Name
Gender Male
Age34 years old
Born18th of July, 1990
Birthplace Guadalajara, Mexico
Career 2005 - present
Nationality Mexican
Ethnicity Mexican
Height 175 cm (5'9")
Weight 76 kg (168 lbs)
Hair color Black
Eye color Brown
Tattoos yes

Canelo Álvarez Short biography

Saúl Álvarez Barragán, better known as Canelo Álvarez, is a Mexican professional boxer who has achieved legendary status within the sport. However, his life extends far beyond the ring, encompassing a complex tapestry of family, interests, and personal challenges.

Born into a family of eight children, Canelo is the youngest of seven brothers. All of his brothers also pursued boxing careers, demonstrating the strong familial influence on his athletic journey. He has four children with different mothers, showcasing his commitment to fatherhood despite his demanding schedule. He married Fernanda Gómez in 2022, further solidifying his family life.

While boxing dominates his professional life, Canelo cultivates other passions outside the ring. He enjoys riding horses, a hobby he developed while growing up and has invested in a ranch to pursue this interest. Additionally, he finds solace in golf, offering a contrasting activity to the intensity of boxing.

Despite his success, Canelo has faced personal challenges. He has publicly acknowledged struggles with anxiety and depression, demonstrating vulnerability and encouraging others to seek help. He has also encountered controversies, including doping allegations and a car accident. However, he has navigated these obstacles with resilience, choosing to learn and grow from them.

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AliasesSantos Saúl Álvarez BarragánFull Name
Gender Male
Age34 years old
Born18th of July, 1990
Birthplace Guadalajara, Mexico
Career 2005 - present
Nationality Mexican
Ethnicity Mexican
Height 175 cm (5'9")
Weight 76 kg (168 lbs)
Hair color Black
Eye color Brown
Tattoos yes
Richest Boxers