Saina Nehwal photo

Saina Nehwal

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
9 Million

Saina Nehwal Net Worth Breakdown

2 - 5 million
Sports: Prize money
1 - 3 million
1 - 2 million
1 - 2 million
Badminton Player Category
# 2
Gender Female
Age34 years old
Born17th of March, 1990
Birthplace Hisar, India
Career 2003 - present
Nationality Indian
Ethnicity Asian
Height 165 cm (5'5")
Weight 59 kg (130 lbs)
Hair color Black
Eye color Other

Saina Nehwal Short biography

Saina Nehwal is an Indian professional badminton player and a former world No. 1. She was born on March 17, 1990, in Hisar, Haryana, India. She is considered one of India's most successful badminton players and has won 24 international titles, including 10 Superseries titles. Nehwal has also won a bronze medal at the 2012 London Olympics, a silver medal at the 2015 BWF World Championships, and a gold medal at the 2018 Commonwealth Games.

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Gender Female
Age34 years old
Born17th of March, 1990
Birthplace Hisar, India
Career 2003 - present
Nationality Indian
Ethnicity Asian
Height 165 cm (5'5")
Weight 59 kg (130 lbs)
Hair color Black
Eye color Other
Richest Badminton Players
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