Rakesh Jhunjhunwala photo

Rakesh Jhunjhunwala

Net Worth (2024) info Our net worth estimates blend trusted external data with our advanced algorithms to provide accurate financial insights. While our estimates are valuable for understanding financial positions, please note they are hypothetical estimates.
Hypothetical Estimate
6,000 Million

Rakesh Jhunjhunwala Net Worth Breakdown

5,500 million
500 million
Investor Category
# 20
Gender Male
Died 14th of August, 2022 (at age 62)
Born: Tuesday 5th of July, 1960
Birthplace Hyderabad, India
Career 1985 - 2022
Nationality Indian
Ethnicity Asian
Height 172 cm (5'8")
Weight 82 kg (181 lbs)
Hair color Grey
Eye color Brown

Rakesh Jhunjhunwala Short biography

Rakesh Jhunjhunwala was an Indian investor and trader who had a net worth of US$6.0 billion as of March 2024 at the time of his death. Known as 'India's Warren Buffett,' Jhunjhunwala was a partner in Rare Enterprises and invested in Akasa Air. He faced insider trading allegations but settled with SEBI. Born in Hyderabad, he graduated from Sydenham College and became a Chartered Accountant. Jhunjhunwala began investing with a small capital and made significant profits over the years. He managed his portfolio and held assets in various companies. Jhunjhunwala supported charities and planned to donate a quarter of his wealth. He fell ill in August 2022 and passed away due to multiple organ failure. Jhunjhunwala was respected for his stock market insights and bullish outlook.

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Gender Male
Died 14th of August, 2022 (at age 62)
Born: Tuesday 5th of July, 1960
Birthplace Hyderabad, India
Career 1985 - 2022
Nationality Indian
Ethnicity Asian
Height 172 cm (5'8")
Weight 82 kg (181 lbs)
Hair color Grey
Eye color Brown
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